Society in general, and especially a free U.S. society, operates on principles that philosophers, economists and, heaven forbid, politicians confer and deliberate with each other to establish laws and policies. Then government power upholds and initiates these laws and policies for citizens to conform to and modify their behavior accordingly, with consequences installed. The end result of all this quagmire is the intention that a free society will morph into a better social atmosphere for all humans to enjoy their lives.
What I just wrote has been hashed out before and is obviously not new to any intelligent reader. What I think is new is that our founding fathers did not intend for religion to be eliminated from the governmental sphere. Citizens, within the confines and principles of human relationships, practice religion, whether they know it or not, since the time man became aware of himself and his surroundings. Our founding fathers saw this social religious principle and found that it could be applied in a different way from all the other societies which used it in human history. These other societies always have established religion as a part of government, and of course excluded all others. The liberal left is doing the very same thing, only excluding Christian social philosophy.
This argument then is the reason for this blog edition.
The mere fact that humans are aware of themselves and others makes all humans religious. Humans cannot eliminate religion from their existence; it is innate. There are some that would argue that since they are atheists they have no religion. Bunk. Atheism is a religion. Notice the word “belief.”
- Hindus believe in reincarnation.
- Muslims believe in Allah.
- Jews believe in man’s creator, the one God.
- Christians believe in God, who illuminated Himself throughout human history in three personalities, Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost (Spirit), humanly understood as in one God.
- Atheists believe no God.
For those that have a Christian background, but not limited to them only, have asked the question what is man’s purpose on earth. Before man’s spiritual fall, humans were to live their life that God gave them. The purpose of one’s life then was to proclaim, through behavior, the character of God within man towards other humans, which had the same goal.
For God’s character to be proclaimed within the behavior of man towards other humans, negotiations ought to be conducted between men to develop a compromise. That compromise then proclaimed the character of God. Adam and Eve destroyed completely, in all humans, the capacity to behave God-like. The first result of the fall was for Cain to murder Able, so much for human negotiations and compromises ending in the culmination of the character of God. The rest of human history is man’s wrestling with other humans dictating human behavior using the power of government. Now the liberal left insists Judeo-Christian religion is to be eliminated from this process. For them to say that it will improve society?